Monday, October 10, 2005



So I totally biffed the TiVo upgrade, and now I'm in recovery mode. Here's what happened...

I had a hacked kernel running, TiVoWeb was up and accessible, everything was working as it should. But, when I moved to the larger drive several months ago, I had neglected to expand the volume. So my 120 GB hard drive was still giving me the 40 hours that the 40GB drive had provided.

So I popped the drive back in my Wintendo, looked through a guide for the command that I needed, and issued it. MFS volume now expanded, I popped the drive back into the TiVo box and turned on the box. But now the TiVo is in a Welcome. Powering Up... /restart loop.

After a bit more research, the command I used certainly expanded the MFS volume, but also attached a second drive to the TiVo volume set. Since only one of the drives went back into the TiVo, it went into the restart loop, since it couldn't locate the second volume.

Now I need to get another hard drive and copy the merged set (even though there is not data on the second volume) to a single drive.

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